Best Of The Best Wireless Microphone System

  Wireless microphone from the sound into electrical signals, and then become high-frequency radio waves withered emission, and then receive back demodulation, amplification, reduction into sound this entire process, there are many aspects, one did not notice the link may It can work, but its stability, scope of work will be reduced a little, did not notice another link, will be reduced a little, the use of narrowing the point, so cumulative, multiple links at the same time loopholes, wireless microphone is not being Interference, is "running frequency", even if the distance can not be used normally. On the contrary, all aspects have noticed that the capability of wireless microphone to resist interference will be greatly enhanced, the stability will be greatly improved, and the normal use can be made even if the use distance is far beyond the use range specified by the manufacturer. The following is the wireless microphone in the selection, operation and use of some of the issues that should be noted.

  First, the choice of Wireless microphone
  If the sound quality requirements are not high, the budget is limited, the use of the distance of not more than 30m, the movement is not large, the number of microphones less, the general choice of quartz oscillating class, single receiver wireless microphone, microphone head can choose moving coil Polar and other types. In the small theater, theater, multi-purpose conference room and other occasions, due to the larger moving range, the receiving conditions are complex and require a higher, it is recommended to use PLL frequency synthesis wireless microphone, microphone head optional capacitance or moving coil.

  BY-WM8T Digital Wireless Bodypack Transmitter
  The BOYA BY-WM8T is a Digital Wireless Bodypack Transmitter with Lavalier Microphone, compatible with BY-WM6 Receiver(as transmitter A) and BY-WM8 Receiver( Receiver sold separately).
Wireless microphone
Second, the operator should pay attention to the use of the problem
  1, before using should pay attention to the problem: the operator should perform a careful examination of the wireless microphone before the show, the correct connection system, set up a reasonable antenna to ensure that the microphone is in normal working state, the main points to note the following. So as to avoid wireless microphone noiseless phenomenon during the performance. Check the battery box is in good contact, the battery is energized; boot should first open the receiver.stack the receivers together to prevent the receivers from interfering with each other.

  2, should pay attention to the use of the problem: During the performance, pay attention to observe the RF signal is normal RF signals to prevent interference from external Wireless signals; hand over the microphone should be avoided to open multiple Wireless microphone stacked together.

BOYA wireless microphone
BY-WM4 Wireless Microphone
BY-WM5 Wireless Microphone
BY-VM600 Shotgun Microphone
BY-VM190 Shotgun Microphone
BY-V01 Condenser Microphone
BY-V02 Stereo Condenser Microphone
BY-M4OD Lavalier Microphone
BY-M8C Lavalier Microphone
ENG/broadcast microphone
Conference microphone system
BY-MC2 Conference Microphone



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