The Best Condenser Microphones for Pro & Home Studio

  There are quite a few microphones on the market, and some people look at which one is recommended on the internet and then buy it. Before you start to know what kind of sound you want to receive is very important, this article shares a few tips on the microphone and some troubleshooting when the radio, hoping to help you record the ideal sound.
  (Condenser Microphone) is the voice into the internal diaphragm vibration so that the diaphragm vibration caused by voltage changes and then generate the signal. Its high sensitivity is commonly used for high-quality recordings such as guitar playing, complex ambient sounds and use in recording studios. Most condenser microphones require PhantomPower to receive sound and are cumbersome to use.
  (Omnidirectional) Sensitivity is the same for sounds from different angles. Common in recording projects that need to include the entire ambient sound; or when the sound source is moving, hoping to maintain good radio reception; and the speaker's lavalier microphone comes with this type of speech. The omnidirectional drawback is that it is easy to receive ambient noise and is relatively inexpensive in terms of price.
  BY-SM80 Stereo Condenser Microphone
  The BOYA BY-SM80 is a stereo X/Y condenser microphone that delivers broadcast quality stereo sound to your DSLR camera, video camera, or audio recorder. This microphone provides greater control of your audio than the internal mics on DSLR camera, video cameras, or digital recorders.
Condenser microphone
Condenser microphone Sound quality and sensitivity are basically better than dynamic microphone, condenser microphone can record more overtones elements and more details, so professional recording studio condenser microphone recording. However, if your environment is not good, such as the environment is noisy, room echo, the use of condenser microphone will be the opposite effect, it is easy to record the noise and echo, which is a terrible thing.

  If you are singing, in order to get the professional quality of the recording effect, of course, you can choose a professional large diaphragm and medium diaphragm condenser microphone. However, the premise is that your room decoration must meet some of the recording acoustics requirements, such as can not have background noise, can not have obvious echo and so on. If the above conditions are not met, please give up the choice of  condenser microphone. If you can not meet the conditions of the room, you have to choose condenser microphone, then prepare a renovated room to dig your money.

BOYA wireless microphone
BY-WM4 Wireless Microphone
BY-WM5 Wireless Microphone
Shotgun microphone system
Stereo microphone system
Lavalier microphone
BY-M4C Lavalier Microphone
BY-M4OD Lavalier Microphone
ENG/broadcast microphone
Conference microphone system
BY-MC2 Conference Microphone



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